The Task Force and Committees
Creating a coordinated and comprehensive approach to end homelessness.
One Task Force | Two committees
CORE | Housing | Service Provision
Main S3 Task Force
Chair: Tamara Brogan
Vice Chair: Ruth Price
Meeting date and time: Second Thursday of each month at 4 PM
- Partner with agencies to find, write and secure grants to provide and expand services
- Strengthen our committee structure/leadership
- Create and maintain open lines of communication with all parties involved —S3 agencies, target population,and the community as a whole
- Continue to build trusting relationships with each other and various participating agencies
- Recognition and respect for individuals and agencies
- Willingness to listen and appreciate the concerns of community stakeholders by building trust in our relationships
Previous meetings can be found below. Click on a meeting to see the meeting agenda and minutes from past meetings.
Coordination, Outreach, Resources, and Engagement (CORE) Committee
Focuses on the front end of the system of shelter and services
Co-Chairs: Cindy Hall, Kendra Martin
Meeting date and time: First Tuesday of Each month at 3 PM
- Create and maintain open lines of communication with all parties involved —S3 agencies, target population,and the community as a whole
- Focus on housing first
- Redefine coordinated entry that works
- Redefine low barrier
- Case conferencing for agencies involved in order to increase communication
- Develop processes, procedures and guidelines about how we treat each other and our clients
- Substance Abuse Resources – Harm Reduction and other best practices
Previous meetings can be found below. Click on a meeting to see the meeting agenda and minutes from past meetings.
Housing/Advocacy Committee
Staff by Beth from Partners for Impact
Focuses on the development of Permanent Supporting Housing and low-income housing.
Co-Chairs: Bob Hughes, Gabby Murillo Anderson
Meeting date and time: Second Wednesday of each month at 10 AM
- Stay focused on the lack of housing
- Advocating and getting the community more involved to meet needs and close gaps
- Maintain our credibility through our visibility and advocacy for our efforts to allay homelessness/poverty issues
Previous meetings can be found below. Click on a meeting to see the meeting agenda and minutes from past meetings.

Past Committees
When S3 Housing Connect was originally established, six committed were created to provide expertise and/or input on specific issues related to homelessness. Four of those original committees have ceased to meet. However, you can find archived notes by clicking double-clicking on the committee title.
Data and Metrics
The overall goal of the Data and Metrics Committee is to create a series of measurable goals and timetables to motivate and guide the plan.
The committee is tasked to utilize the NC Homeless Management Information System and possibly other data sources to develop reporting out mechanisms and a dashboard for the website. The committee is asked to determine and validate baseline numbers and draft measurable goals for review and approval by the governing body. The committee is directed to adopt the definition of homelessness by HUD for its work.
Low Barrier Shelter
The overall goal of the Low Barrier Shelter Committee is to support the establishment of a low-barrier shelter. Initially, this will mean helping to support the opening of a “white flag” shelter for the 2017-2018 winter months.
On a longer-term basis, the committee is tasked with helping identify suitable sites for a permanent, year-round shelter. The committee is expected to interact with the Service Provision Committee to ensure essential linkage between outreach, shelter, and permanent housing is reflected in the shelter operating plan. Additionally, the committee will assist and support the development of volunteer activities and needed in-kind services for shelter and work with the Community Engagement Committee to solicit such items.
Resource Development
The overall goal of the Resource Development Committee is to seek remedies to gaps in services and housing by identifying and seeking resources to meet the need. The committee is tasked to help identify and secure needed funds, both cash and in-kind, from both public and private sources.
Service Provision Committee
It is our goal to identify existing services and support for the homeless as well as gaps in those services and supports and bring those resources into a coordinated, community-wide plan. We are tasked to focus on key areas such as outreach and engagement with those experiencing unsheltered homelessness; coordinate intake and assessment; prevention and diversion; and other social services.