NC BoS CoC Emergency Transfer Plan


North Carolina Balance of State Continuum of Care (NC-503) Emergency Transfer Plan for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking, or Human Trafficking. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 825 0236 1142 Passcode: 189145

Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast


Welcome to the new Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast with the latest news and information for the housing movement in North Carolina. With changes that impact your work happening daily, we're here to make sure that you stay up to date on the news no matter where you are. The podcast will include the audio […]

NLIHC’s Tenant Talk Live – Monthly Call


Join resident leaders and the National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) staff for the next Tenant Talk Live webinar to discuss how you can advocate for needed resources and other protections for people experiencing homelessness and low-income renters in your community. NLIHC staff will provide updates on what is being done at the federal level to […]

Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast


Welcome to the new Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast with the latest news and information for the housing movement in North Carolina. With changes that impact your work happening daily, we're here to make sure that you stay up to date on the news no matter where you are. The podcast will include the audio […]

Housing/Advocacy Committee


Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 88985654723, passcode: 954322) Join by phone (US) +1 305-224-1968 (passcode: 954322) Joining instructions:  

Task Force Meeting

Mann Center (In-Person) & Virtual (Zoom) 507 N Steele St. 2nd Floor, Sanford, NC, United States

The Task Force and Committees   Creating a coordinated and comprehensive approach to end homelessness.One Task Force | Two committeesCORE | Housing | Service ProvisionMain S3 Task Force Chair: Tamara BroganVice Chair: Ruth PriceMeeting date and time: Second Thursday of each month at 4 PM Partner with agencies to find, write and secure grants to […]

NCCEH Lived Expertise Advisory Council


The purpose of the NC BoS Lived Expertise Advisory Council (LEAC) is to improve the provision of services to people experiencing homelessness, and the policies that govern these services, across the NC Balance of State CoC through insights and expertise that come from people experiencing homelessness firsthand. Lived Expertise Advisory Council Join Zoom Meeting:  […]

Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast


Welcome to the new Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast with the latest news and information for the housing movement in North Carolina. With changes that impact your work happening daily, we're here to make sure that you stay up to date on the news no matter where you are. The podcast will include the audio […]

Policies to Expand Equity-Oriented Affordable Housing: Opportunities and Cautions from Recent Research

Register Here:  Safe, stable, and dignified housing is a key social determinant of health and well-being. But ensuring that affordable housing is accessible to everyone has remained a formidable challenge for our nation.  The Urban Institute, in collaboration with Policies for Action (P4A), a signature research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, invites […]

NCCEH Racial Equity Subcommittee


The purpose of the Racial Equity subcommittee is to identify areas in NC Balance of State CoC’s policies that may contribute to racial disparities in access to and services from the homeless system and to recommend changes to them. Zoom Link:  Meeting ID: 832 6483 8597