Rapid Re-Housing: A Proven Approach to Ending Homelessness

An effective response to homelessness requires permanent housing solutions with enough flexibility and options to meet an entire community’s diverse housing needs. But meeting these needs is a real challenge amid the nationwide housing affordability crisis. Rapid Re-Housing, as a program model, has the potential to be flexible and adaptable at the system, program, and […]

Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast


Welcome to the new Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast with the latest news and information for the housing movement in North Carolina. With changes that impact your work happening daily, we're here to make sure that you stay up to date on the news no matter where you are. The podcast will include the audio […]

Learn & Share Ideas About Lack of Affordable Housing in Lee County

Trinity United Metodist Church 503 Maple St., Sanford, United States

Please join us as we continue a series of community discussions around the lack of affordable housing in Sanford/Lee County. This will be an open dialogue where the S3 Housing/Advocacy Committee will share housing inventory data. Most importantly, this is an opportunity for the community to engage in constructive dialogue around solutions. Register Here: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSfvnYpRYZ.../formResponse  

NLIHC’s Tenant Talk Live – Monthly Call


Join resident leaders and the National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) staff for the next Tenant Talk Live webinar to discuss how you can advocate for needed resources and other protections for people experiencing homelessness and low-income renters in your community. NLIHC staff will provide updates on what is being done at the federal level to […]

Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast


Welcome to the new Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast with the latest news and information for the housing movement in North Carolina. With changes that impact your work happening daily, we're here to make sure that you stay up to date on the news no matter where you are. The podcast will include the audio […]

Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast


Welcome to the new Housing Matters 2 NC Podcast with the latest news and information for the housing movement in North Carolina. With changes that impact your work happening daily, we're here to make sure that you stay up to date on the news no matter where you are. The podcast will include the audio […]

Southern Regional CFAC

Trillium Health Resources 450 Country Club Rd., Lumberton, NC, United States

The second Tuesday of each month from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. Meetings are held in person at Trillium Health Resources, 450 Country Club Rd, Lumberton, NC 28360.  A virtual option is available and can be accessed through the link below. Join the MeetingCall In #: 415-655-0001Access Code: 2632 620 0512   Details:  https://www.trilliumhealthresources.org/regional-operations 

Housing/Advocacy Committee


Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88985654723?pwd=Oa9UGG9m8EZnq5rWmBlwbc4oUktGJt.1 (ID: 88985654723, passcode: 954322) Join by phone (US) +1 305-224-1968 (passcode: 954322) Joining instructions: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://applications.zoom.us/addon/invitation/detail?meetingUuid%3D8FlMLKENRj%252B1g5Oh09zqsg%253D%253D%26signature%3D18d422ad5760f029ce6abbc0b8d80dc785b198a2f20bbfd5ece824128ce67977%26v%3D1&sa=D&source=calendar&usg=AOvVaw0b_fRPlgd90CJGeSummVmc  

Task Force Meeting

Mann Center (In-Person) & Virtual (Zoom) 507 N Steele St. 2nd Floor, Sanford, NC, United States

The Task Force and Committees   Creating a coordinated and comprehensive approach to end homelessness.One Task Force | Two committeesCORE | Housing | Service ProvisionMain S3 Task Force Chair: Tamara BroganVice Chair: Ruth PriceMeeting date and time: Second Thursday of each month at 4 PM Partner with agencies to find, write and secure grants to […]

North Carolina Tenants Union – Landlord Research Workshop

North Carolina Tenants Union North Carolina

Want to learn how to gather information about the landlords operating in our communities? Join us for a Landlord Research Skills Workshop next Thursday, July 11th, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. online. Learn how to do strategic public records research in support of the tenant movement. Registration is at bit.ly/NCTUworkshop. Questions about access or other […]